The survey revealed that nearly half of office employees avoid telling their managers about using AI at work, fearing it will be seen as cheating or a sign of laziness.
Despite the growing use of AI, many employees are concerned that these tools might increase their workload. 76% of workers want to become AI experts to focus on more meaningful tasks.
A study by Slack found that from September 2023 to August 2024, AI usage among office workers increased from 20% to 36%. The most common uses of AI are in administrative tasks, innovative projects, and assisting with core job duties.
Nearly 50% of employees feel uncomfortable admitting to using AI. This is especially evident in Sweden, where 86% of workers are reluctant to acknowledge using AI for communicating with colleagues. At the same time, 75% of employees prefer employers who are knowledgeable about AI, and 40% want to work in companies where AI is actively used.